MLC Super Fund

MLC Super Fund is a Public offer Retail fund.

MLC Super Fund ranks 11 in terms of total member benefits, which are valued at approximately $84.16 billion.

In terms of members, MLC Super Fund ranks 9, with 823,070 members. In the 2023 financial year, the number of MLC Super Fund members changed by -8%, which places them at 80 of 95 funds in terms of growth.

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MLC Super Fund ABN

The MLC Super Fund ABN number is 70732426024.

MLC Super Fund has the following USI numbers

MLC Insurance Super 70732426024901
MLC Life Cover Super 70732426024996
MLC Life Super 70732426024903
MLC MasterKey Business Super (including MLC MasterKey Personal Super) 70732426024100
MLC MasterKey Pension Fundamentals 70732426024102
MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals 70732426024101
MLC MasterKey Superannuation 70732426024103
MLC Maturity Growth Superannuation Plan 70732426024999
MLC Personal Super Savings Plan 70732426024904
MLC Protection Life and Income 70732426024902
MLC Whole of Life and Endowment 70732426024997
Plum Super 70732426024150
Plum Super (BHP Billiton Superannuation Fund) 70732426024153
Plum Super (National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A) 70732426024151

Note: A USI (Unique Superannuation Identifier) helps you or your employer know you are paying super contributions into the correct super fund.

MLC Super Fund super investment options

Default option (MySuper)

Strategy type Lifecycle

At age 55 At age 55 growth asset 79%

Percentage of growth assets 79%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Under 55 years Under 55 years growth asset 79%

Percentage of growth assets 79%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 56 At age 56 growth asset 78%

Percentage of growth assets 78%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 57 At age 57 growth asset 77%

Percentage of growth assets 77%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 58 At age 58 growth asset 77%

Percentage of growth assets 77%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 59 At age 59 growth asset 76%

Percentage of growth assets 76%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.84% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 60 At age 60 growth asset 75%

Percentage of growth assets 75%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.83% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 61 At age 61 growth asset 74%

Percentage of growth assets 74%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.83% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 62 At age 62 growth asset 74%

Percentage of growth assets 74%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.83% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 63 At age 63 growth asset 72%

Percentage of growth assets 72%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.81% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 64 At age 64 growth asset 70%

Percentage of growth assets 70%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.81% 0.06%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

At age 65 and over At age 65 and over growth asset 67%

Percentage of growth assets 67%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.8% 0.06%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Other multi-sector super investment options

MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals

MLC Aggressive MLC Aggressive growth asset 128%

Percentage of growth assets 128%
Investment category All growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.38% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC High Growth MLC High Growth growth asset 95.5%

Percentage of growth assets 95.5%
Investment category All growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.22% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Growth MLC Growth growth asset 86%

Percentage of growth assets 86%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.15% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Growth MLC Low Cost Growth growth asset 85%

Percentage of growth assets 85%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Socially Responsible Growth MLC Socially Responsible Growth growth asset 85% ESG

Percentage of growth assets 85%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.7% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Flexible Assertive MLC Flexible Assertive growth asset 75%

Percentage of growth assets 75%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.26% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Balanced MLC Balanced growth asset 74.3%

Percentage of growth assets 74.3%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.14% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Balanced MLC Low Cost Balanced growth asset 71%

Percentage of growth assets 71%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Conservative Balanced MLC Conservative Balanced growth asset 55.5%

Percentage of growth assets 55.5%
Investment category Balanced
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.91% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Conservative Balanced MLC Low Cost Conservative Balanced growth asset 51%

Percentage of growth assets 51%
Investment category Balanced
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Flexible Moderate MLC Flexible Moderate growth asset 50%

Percentage of growth assets 50%
Investment category Balanced
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.09% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Stable MLC Stable growth asset 37%

Percentage of growth assets 37%
Investment category Conservative
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.67% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Altrinsic Global Equities Trust

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.99% 0.09%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Antares Elite Opportunities Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.78% 0.04%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.95% 0.19%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Schroder Wholesale Australian Equity Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.77% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Plum Super

MultiActive Growth MultiActive Growth growth asset 90%

Percentage of growth assets 90%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.15% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Growth Growth growth asset 86%

Percentage of growth assets 86%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.15% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MultiActive Balanced MultiActive Balanced growth asset 72%

Percentage of growth assets 72%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.14% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MultiActive Moderate MultiActive Moderate growth asset 55%

Percentage of growth assets 55%
Investment category Balanced
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MultiActive Conservative MultiActive Conservative growth asset 30%

Percentage of growth assets 30%
Investment category Conservative
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Other single sector super investment options

Antares High Growth Shares Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.09% 0.13%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fairview Equity Partners Emerging Companies Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.88% 0.29%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.94% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Fixed Interest Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Property Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Shares

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.65% 0.05%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Shares Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.22% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Cash

Investment category Conservative
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.13% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Fixed Interest

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.5% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC IncomeBuilder

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.72% 0.02%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.8% 0.03%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares Index (hedged)

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.26% 0.03%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Platinum Global Fund (only available to current investors in this investment option)

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.16% 0.08%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Property

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.81% 0.05%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

NAB Term Deposits

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Perpetual Australian Share Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.06% 0.16%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Platinum Asia Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.35% 0.06%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Platinum International Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.35% 0.22%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Offers TTR pension

MLC Super Fund also offers transition-to-retirement (TTR) pension investment options.

MLC Super Fund pension investment options

Multi-sector pension investment options

MLC High Growth MLC High Growth growth asset 95.5%

Percentage of growth assets 95.5%
Investment category All growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.22% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Growth MLC Growth growth asset 86%

Percentage of growth assets 86%
Investment category High growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.15% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Balanced MLC Balanced growth asset 74.3%

Percentage of growth assets 74.3%
Investment category Growth
Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.14% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fund performance is only available to SuperGuide members.

Altrinsic Global Equities Trust

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.99% 0.09%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Antares Elite Opportunities Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.78% 0.04%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.95% 0.19%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Conservative Balanced

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.91% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Stable

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.67% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Schroder Wholesale Australian Equity Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.77% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Single sector pension investment options

Antares High Growth Shares Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.09% 0.13%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Fairview Equity Partners Emerging Companies Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.88% 0.29%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.94% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Aggressive

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.38% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Fixed Interest Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Property Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Shares

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.65% 0.05%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Australian Shares Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.22% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Cash

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.13% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Fixed Interest

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.5% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Flexible Assertive

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.26% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Flexible Moderate

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.09% 0.07%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC IncomeBuilder

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.72% 0.02%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.8% 0.03%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares Index

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.25% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC International Shares Index (hedged)

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.26% 0.03%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Balanced

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Conservative Balanced

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Low Cost Growth

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.29% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Platinum Global Fund (only available to current investors in this investment option)

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.16% 0.08%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Property

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.81% 0.05%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

MLC Socially Responsible Growth ESG

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0.7% 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

NAB Term Deposits

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 0 0

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Perpetual Australian Share Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.06% 0.16%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Platinum Asia Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.35% 0.06%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

Platinum International Fund

Admin fee fixed Admin fee % Admin fee cap General reserves Investment fees and costs Transaction costs
$78 0.3% $2,500 - 1.35% 0.22%

Fee comparison is only available to SuperGuide members.

If your fund is not listed as a top performer, check where it appears in our pension fund rankings.

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Awards won by MLC Super Fund

In recent years MLC Super Fund has won the following awards:





MLC Super Fund insurance

MLC Super Fund provides the following types of insurance:

MLC Super Fund administration details

Below you can find the administration details for MLC Super Fund including whether the super fund is open to the general public (Public offer) or not (Non public offer) and how MLC Super Fund is structured. You can also learn how their expenses ratio compares to other super funds, as well as the gender ratio and remuneration of their board directors.

Fund's RSE licensee Nulis Nominees (Australia) Limited
Public offer status Public offer
Fund type Retail
RSE licensee ownership type Non equal representation
RSE licensee profit status For profit status
RSE licensee board structure Financial services corporation ownership
RSE licensee balance date 6/30/2023
Investment expenses ratio 0.2% (average is 0.18%)
Operating expenses ratio 0.3% (average is 0.49%)
Number (and percentage) of female directors 3 (60%% - average is 40.7%)
Number (and percentage) of male directors 2 (40%% - average is 59.3%)
Total remuneration of directors on trustee board $476,000 (average is $743,412)
Average remuneration of directors on trustee board $95,000 (average is $102,069)

Sources: APRA and publicly available information. Data contained in this table as of 30 June 2023

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MLC Super Fund contact details

Below you can find contact details for MLC Super Fund including website, email and physical address as well as social media accounts if they are available.

Articles mentioning MLC Super Fund

MLC Super Fund

Best performing super funds: Growth category (61–80%)

MLC Super Fund

Pension fund rankings: Growth category (61–80%)

MLC Super Fund

Pension fund rankings: High Growth category (81–95%)

MLC Super Fund

Pension fund rankings: All Growth category (96–100%)

MLC Super Fund

Super fund rankings: Conservative category (21–40%)

MLC Super Fund

Super fund rankings: Balanced category (41–60%)

MLC Super Fund

Super fund rankings: Growth category (61–80%)

MLC Super Fund

Super fund rankings: High Growth category (81–95%)

MLC Super Fund

Super fund rankings: All Growth category (96–100%)

MLC Super Fund

Best performing pension funds: Growth category (61–80%)

MLC Super Fund

Best performing pension funds: All Growth category (96–100%)

MLC Super Fund

Best performing super funds: Conservative category (21–40%)

MLC Super Fund

Best performing super funds: Balanced category (41–60%)

MLC Super Fund

Best performing super funds: All Growth category (96–100%)

MLC Super Fund

Super funds of the year awards: Best super funds for 2024

MLC Super Fund

Getting to know your super fund and what it can do for you

MLC Super Fund

List of APRA-regulated superannuation funds

MLC Super Fund

Which are Australia’s largest super funds?

Copyright text: All explanatory text is the copyright of SuperGuide Pty Ltd. All data information is the copyright of Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) . All data information is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence (CCBY 3.0).


SuperGuide is Australia’s leading superannuation and retirement planning website.

Superguide Pty Ltd ATF Superguide Unit Trust as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Independent Financial Advisers Australia, AFSL 464629.
