What is eye wash used for?
Our eyes are delicate and vulnerable, and the consequences of damage to them can be devastating. The first step is to make sure all measures are taken to protect the eyes in the first place – generally safety goggles or glasses should be used for any activity or job that has the potential to damage the eyes.
Any activity that could cause particles (from dust and dirt to wood and metal) to fly in the air poses a risk to the eyes. This could include workplace activities, such as construction or mining, but could also include household activities, such as mowing the lawn and DIY. In schools, staff and students may need protection during science or 'design and technology' lessons.
Eye wash is a necessary first aid supply for those times when something does manage to get into a person’s eye, despite all safety precautions. Some workplaces may have special eye showers installed, or it may be possible to use an ordinary tap to irrigate the eye. However, there are many situations where running water may not be available or accessible enough for someone to use on their eye. In these circumstances, eye wash or eye baths can provide quick and effective pain relief, as well as reducing the likelihood of further serious damage to the eye.
Similarly, there are times when eye protection is not practical or realistic, despite the possible risks. Children playing on a sandy beach, for example, are at quite a high risk of getting sand in their eyes, but certainly wouldn’t be expected to wear safety goggles! In these situations, having eye wash or an eye bath handy – in the family first aid kit, the car first aid kit, or as part of a beach lifeguard station – can help to save a lot of tears and pain:
Emergency Eye Wash 250ml
HypaClens Sterile Eyewash Pods, Pack of 25
Cederroth Eye Wash 235ml
Cederroth Eye & Wound Cleansing Spray
Before washing your eyes for any reason, be sure to remove contact lenses first.
If the eye has been contaminated with particles, then water or eye wash can be used to flush out the eye until the object is removed.
If the eye has been contaminated with chemicals, you should read the chemical packaging for instructions, but the eye will most likely need to be rinsed continuously for at least 15 minutes. Eye wash can either be used as an interim measure, whilst the casualty is moved to somewhere with clean running water, or it may be used continuously for the entire duration – though this would require large reserves of bottled eye wash.
To ensure its sterility, HypaClens eye wash is a saline solution containing 0.9% Sodium Chloride. It works simply by diluting and flushing away any contaminants and is a substitute for using tap water.
Emergency Eye Wash Bottle, 500ml
HypaClens Value Emergency Eye Wash Station (2 x 500ml)
HypaClens Economy Eye Wash Cabinet
HypaClens 20ml Eyewash Dispenser
However, for chemical contamination of the eye, a more effective alternative is available. Cederroth’s eye wash is a buffered solution. It restores the eye’s pH to normal levels more quickly than tap water or standard eye wash, helping to minimise the harm and reduce the likelihood of permanent sight loss. Cederroth eye wash is effective against acidic and alkaline substances but is particularly effective at neutralising alkalis which are also more damaging to the eye.
Cederroth Eye Wash 500ml (Pack of 2)
Cederroth Eye Wash Station
Strap For Cederroth Bracket
In the home, the location of eye wash will depend on where it will most likely be needed. If a lot of DIY happens in the garden shed, for example, that would be a great place to keep the eye wash, ideally with a mirror nearby. Otherwise, the kitchen or a bathroom cabinet would be the best place to store it – somewhere that can be easily and quickly accessed in an emergency.
Emergency Eye Wash Bottle, 500ml
HypaClens Emergency Eye Wash Dispenser - 10 x 20ml Pods
Cederroth Chemical Eyewash 500ml
Evolution BS 8599 Compliant First Aid & Eyewash Kit Small
Workplaces are required to consider eye care and eye wash needs as part of their risk assessments. The more obvious examples of workplaces requiring eye wash are those working with harmful chemicals, industrial cutting equipment or grinding wheels. However, there are less obvious workplaces that sometimes get overlooked. Warehouses, for example, may have a lot of packaging dust in the air; agricultural work can also be very dusty or involve flying particles of grass or crops, which can irritate the eyes.
Where the need for eye wash facilities (such as an eye wash station, or eye wash bottles) has been identified in the workplace risk assessment, the HSE regulations state that at least one litre of sterile water or sterile saline should be provided in sealed, disposable containers . Once the seal is broken, the containers cannot be kept for reuse. This means that workplaces requiring eye wash should have a minimum of two litres in separate containers, allowing for supplies to still be immediately available if one of these is used.
Eye wash facilities should be located near the major hazards to eye health. It should be fixed to the wall, easy to access and on the same level as the hazard, not requiring stairs or a ladder to reach. It should be clearly sign-posted and a mirror may be helpful to allow casualties to treat themselves.
In addition to eye wash, two sterile eye pads are suggested as a minimum first aid supply in any workplace. These are included in any British Standard first aid kit but are also included in many eye wash station products.
HypaClens 3-in-1 Eye Wash Station
A final consideration for workplaces is visibility. Ensuring all employees know where to find first aid when necessary is a requirement of health and safety provision in the workplace. Signs to remind employees of protecting their eyes, as well as the location of first aid and how to provide it are useful reminders.
Eye Wash Sign, 20x30cm, Vinyl
Eye Protection Must Be Worn Sign, Rigid, 20x30cm
Projecting 3D Emergency Eye Wash Rigid Sign, 35x20cm
First Aid for Eyes Poster, Laminated
If a foreign body has become embedded in the eye, do not remove it and do not attempt eye wash. The casualty should be referred straight to hospital.
Eyes should be covered to immobilise them and reduce further damage. As the eyes have a sympathetic movement system, meaning that they both move in synchronisation, it may be necessary to apply dressings to both eyes to fully prevent movement. If the foreign body is large, the dressing may need to be applied around the object.
Make sure you have the necessary first aid kits and equipment to provide effective first aid in your home or workplace.
Read our blog for more information on first aid, or contact us for further advice and information on our products.